Specialising in Portrait Painting, Wedding and lifestyle photography Victoria has always had a passion for the creative side of life.
Born and raised along the North Norfolk coast and London, she grew up close to the seaside and the big city, which in turn gave Victoria part of her artistic inspiration. Having had a paintbrush in her hand since an early age, Victoria gained valuable knowledge and experience at a university formerly known as Norwich School of Art and Design where she studied for seven years. This included a Foundation BTEC Diploma in art and design, BA Hons Fine Art Painting and Masters in Photographic Studies. Also interning in the university's Marketing Department as a digital photographic archivist.
During Victoria’s BA Fine Art degree she took part in an exchange Programme known as Erasmus where she studied at Porto’s renowned Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade do Porto. This gave her much needed independence and enabled her to socialise with other cultures. Portugal gave Victoria a new respect for her art and encouraged her to gain new skills including Photography, Etching and Printmaking. From then onwards her Photography had become her main focal point and having a huge interest in the narrative of photographs, it became an ambition to take photography further.
After taking ten years out of art to have a family, build a home, travel and document life through a lens, it is now Victoria's time to return to the creative side of life that has been long awaiting her blissful presence.
Although an artist and Photographer, Victoria also has a background in medicine and this has enabled her to pursue the artistic dream.
If you are interested in Victoria’s work please contact her via the contact page.
“Carpe Diem! Love bravely, live bravely, be courageous, there’s really nothing to lose. There’s no wrong you can’t make right again, so be kinder to yourself, you know, have fun, take chances. There’s no bounds.”